Quitting Smoking Day 2

Yesterday I took the plunge and decided to quit. It started pretty well and by afternoon I was feeling confident enough to throw away my cigarettes and ash trays.

I am now mid-way through day 2. I am getting cravings but they really aren't too bad. The worst is when I do something which reminds me of smoking. Then I get a kind of deja vu flash back which makes me miss having a smoke.

I am using cranberry juice as it is said to help with cravings (regulates sugar levels or something?) and may help flush nicotine out of the body faster. I've only been able to find 15% juice cartons so I had almost 3 litres of that yesterday.

I have also been snacking a lot. I really couldn't care less if I put some weight on. If snacking for a week or so helps me quit that is awesome. Peanuts, chips/crisps, chewing gum and chewy Mentos have been my friends in the past day and a half. Also had some Jasmine tea which is probably a good thing.

So far so good. I am just working from a single reason to quit- to prevent the very high chance of dying a smokers' death- a long, drawn out, painful death from something like lung cancer. So far that thought has overwhelmed the slight pangs I am getting to have a smoke.

I have also been doing more exercise and less work. I think it is the first 3-4 days which are supposed to be worst, then the body is nicotine free. So I plan on resuming regular eating and work habits soon. Any kind of sitting around doing nothing is bad and doing something new or outdoors is good as it helps to occupy the mind.

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